Home > Conference > XI All-Russian Congress of Young Biological Scientists with International Participation “Symbiosis – Russia 2019”

XI All-Russian Congress of Young Biological Scientists with International Participation “Symbiosis – Russia 2019”

20 February 2019
RU: Регистрация закрыта, конференция успешно проведена!
EN: Registration is closed, the conference was successfully held!


Dear colleagues!


In the period from May 13 to 15, 2019, the XI All-Russian Congress of Young Biological Scientists with International Participation “Symbiosis-Russia 2019” will be held at the Perm State National Research University. Students, graduate students and young scientists under the age of 35 are invited to participate.




  1. Microbiology and Biotechnology
  2. Botany, genetics and plant ecology
  3. Zoology (invertebrate zoology, hydrobiology, vertebrate zoology, ichthyology)
  4. Ecophysiology of plants and soil ecology
  5. Fundamental and applied medicine, human physiology, immunology


The conference is held on the basis of Perm State National Research University (Perm, Bukirev st., 15, 614990).

The main languages ​​of the conference are Russian, English.

By the beginning of the conference a collection of conference materials will be published. Materials are published in the author’s edition. For publication in the collection from one author more than two materials are accepted.


Organizing Committee


Address: 614990, Perm, ul. Bukireva, 15
FSBEI of HE “Perm State National Research University”,
Faculty of Biology, organizing committee of the XI All-Russian Congress of Young Biological Scientists with the international participation of “Symbiosis-Russia 2019”


Scientific secretaries of the conference:


Elkin Andrey Anatolevich
mob tel.: +7 963 860 67 56
fax: +7 (342) 280 92 11
E-mail: Andrejelkin1981@gmail.com


Krasheninnikov Andrey Borisovich
mob tel.: +7 902 64 713 64
E-mail: krasheninnikov2005@yandex.ru









The conference organizers recommend:


  • Hostel in the center of Perm, accommodation from 500 rub per day, breakfast included in the price. Discount 3%, groups – individually, www.hostelrusperm.ru.


  • The hotel “Prikamye” (has the category of “three stars” in the Classification system of means of accommodation of the Russian Federation) offers special accommodation conditions for participants of the congress “Symbiosis – Russia 2019” with a 20% discount, www.prikamie-hotel.ru. To get a discount, you must dial the number by calling +7 (342) 270-08-30 and provide the name of the congress.


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- Want to register in another category?

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The file name must contain only letters and numbers
Allowed formats for the abstract file - DOC, DOCX

When choosing oral and poster presentations, including the possibility of remote participation

Internet Explorer is NOT recommended for registration.
